Courtney Whitmore, also known as Stargirl, is coming back to the screen for season 2. This show originally debuted on the DC Universe platform but has since migrated to the CW’s real-time television service and streaming platform, where you can expect to find season 2. So if you’re looking for more intense fight scenes combined with a cute coming of age story, it’s time to get ready for season 2. Here is everything you need to know to get ready to watch the second season of this DC Universe show.
How Does Season 2 Start?
If you’ll remember, the creators filled season 1 with Courtney finding the cosmic staff, becoming the world-saving superhero Stargirl, establishing a new generation of Justice Society of America heroes, and trying to balance high school. However, Geoff Johns, the executive producer, gets realistic here as he has season 2 start with Courtney enduring summer school. After all, when you are trying to save the world and get a new generation of superheroes established, something’s got to give, and you’re probably going to fail some classes.
When Does Season 2 Air?
Season 2 is available to watch a new episode every Tuesday on the CW at 8:00 pm Eastern. That episode will also be available the following day on the app or website for the CW. Note that you must watch this show on the CW, whether on the television, app, or website, while season 2 is still on the air. That said, the CW is offering the show for free without a subscription. If you prefer to wait until they have all been released and binge-watch all the episodes, you can do this as well.
Is Season 2 the Final Season?
Season 2 is not the end of Stargirl. The show was renewed earlier this year, meaning that Courtney’s adventures as a high schooler and superhero will continue for a third season. Therefore, you can keep getting attached to the characters without worrying about disappointment anytime soon. However, it also means you can expect a killer cliffhanger at the end of the season that will keep you agonizing over when season 3 will be released.
Is Stargirl Available on HBO Max?
In short, you can watch this show created by Johns with HBO Max. That said, only the first season is available right now for those who need to do some catching up on everything that happened. The second season will stream free on the CW’s platforms until the entire season has finished running, meaning no earlier than the end of 2021. Once the show has run its course, and everyone is anticipating season 3, you will be able to find season 2 on HBO Max.
Courtney’s journey continues as she tries to endure summer school and tackle her superhero duties. As soon as they are released, you can start watching these episodes on the CW for free so that you can stay up to date on the activities of your favorite superhero. Everything in this guide should be enough to help you catch up on season 1 and get ready to watch season 2.