One of the critical advantages of enrolling in a structured rehab program is that you will be monitored and cared for physically and mentally as you progress through your recovery. As a result, you can concentrate on getting and remaining clean, safe in the knowledge that you are in the hands of qualified specialists at rehab Alabama facilities (
The Link Between Drug Abuse and Mental Illness
According to SAMHSA, about 44 million persons in the United States had mental illness in 2014. A substance use disorder affected more than 20 million people. Almost 8 million people suffered from both mental illness and substance abuse. These numbers mean that if you have a substance use disorder, you have a 40% risk of having a mental disease.
Substance abuse occurs for a variety of causes. According to the National Institute on Drug Usage, self-medication for a mental illness is a significant factor in the start and maintenance of substance abuse.
Most drugs alter the mind, and many people use them as a coping mechanism to change how they think, behave, or feel. Furthermore, substance abuse can exacerbate or induce mental health problems, prompting continued usage to alleviate symptoms.
Because the underlying mental health problem must be addressed and substance use disorder, treating a co-occurring condition is more complicated than treating substance use alone. Hence the need to select top-notch rehab facilities that focus on the underlying issues.
Drug Abuse is More Likely in Those With Mental and Personality Disorders.
People with mental, personality, and drug use disorders were more likely to take prescription opioids for nonmedical purposes, according to data from a large nationally representative sample.
According to research, 43% of SUD treatment for nonmedical prescription opioid use have diagnoses or symptoms of mental health issues, notably depression and anxiety.
Greater Drug and Mental Health Risk as Adult if Exposed as Child or Adolescent
During adolescence, the brain continues to develop. The circuits that govern organizational processes like decision-making and impulse control are among the last to mature, increasing the risk of drug use and developing a substance use disorder.
Early drug use is a powerful predictor of the development of substance use disorders later in life, and it may also be a predictor of the outcome of other mental illnesses later in life. This association, however, is not always causative and could be due to shared risk factors such as genetic predisposition, psychological experiences, and general environmental impacts.
For example, heavy marijuana use throughout adolescence can raise the risk of psychosis later in life, especially in people who have a particular gene variation.
It’s also true that having a mental illness as a kid or adolescent raises the chances of later drug use and the development of a substance use disorder. According to certain studies, mental illness can occur before a substance use disorder, implying that correctly diagnosing mental disease in children and adolescents can help decrease comorbidity.
According to one study, adolescent-onset bipolar disorder is associated with a higher risk of later drug use disorder than adult-onset bipolar illness. Other evidence suggests that internalizing conditions, such as sadness and anxiety, emerge in adolescents before they acquire substance use problems.
When treatment fails to address underlying mental health concerns, the odds of relapse skyrocket, dual diagnosis treatment clinics offer specialist care to ensure that you have the support you need to stay sober in the long run. Making the correct choice early helps assure that you’ll have long-term benefits from the treatments. Additionally, you’ll have your loved ones experiencing your warm side.