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Our bodies are constantly exposed to foods that are full of chemicals which overload our liver and digestive system. Our body has a mechanism to naturally and continuously remove those harmful toxins.

Toxins are divided in two groups: water and fat soluble.
Water soluble toxins are removed through the blood and kidneys, however the fat soluble are the ones that are difficult to remove. This is a list of fat soluble toxins:

  • Pesticides
  • Heavy metals
  • Plastics
  • Food additives
  • Pollutants
  • Preservatives
  • Environmental compounds

The body can remove these toxins only when they become water soluble. They can easily get in our blood and reach the brain and fat cells through the liver and then remain there for a long time.
According to researchers, you can control the accumulation of these toxins through balanced diet, detox pathways and reducing stress levels.

During digestion, the nutrients from the food mix with the toxins in the small intestine, and then they become emulsified by the bile from the liver and gallbladder. Then, the villi and lacteals in the intestines help the absorption of the nutrients and also move the toxins to the liver.
However, if the detox pathway is damaged the body is unable to remove those toxins and will start storing them.
The initial part of the lymphatic system which surrounds the intestinal tract is called GALT. This is where the lacteals start the absorption and processing of the nutritional as well as the toxic fats. In order to work properly this place needs the villi and lacteals.
The gut is surrounded by the lymphatic system which transports the absorbed fats to the liver which then uses those good fats to make:

  • Cholesterol
  • Cell membranes
  • Skin
  • Brain cells
  • Hormones

Once they are processed the liver marks them for elimination. In case the lymphatic system is congested, the usage of the good and removal of the bad fats are affected.

These are the symptoms of congested GALT which can damage the lymphatic system:

  • Irregular headaches
  • Stiffness in the joints
  • Hand or feet swelling
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Breast swelling
  • Bloating
  • Additional weight around the abdominal area
  • Skin irritation or itching
  • Problems with elimination

Some of the causes of villi damage include poor diet and stress. This condition can also lead to irregular bowel movement and constipation.
The constipation can dry the villi this result in reactive mucus which may produce normal stool however you may experience bloating, feeling of being unhealthy or gain weight.

Too much reactive mucus can also cause much more frequent bowel movement that will loosen the stool and make it appear like diarrhea. In case you notice mucus in the stool, consult your doctor immediately because it could be a sign of excess villi congestion.
The toxin metabolism is responsible for:

  • Delivery of good fats
  • Removal of toxic fats
  • Regular immune response
  • Intestinal skin health

In case of excess mucus, the toxin metabolism is affected and the toxins return to the liver.
To prevent the toxins from returning to the liver, you should balance the mucus membranes, and keep them nor too wet nor too dry. Other factors that affect them include:

  • Coffee
  • Soft drinks
  • Processed foods
  • Food additives
  • Stress
  • Worrying
  • Hyperacidity

The proper bile flow is very important since it helps the fat metabolism and can also break down dangerous parasites, bacteria, pesticides and heavy metals.
Including too much fiber in the diet can cause excess bile in the stool and the lack of fiber on the other hand causes reabsorption of 94% of the bile by the liver for recycling which will also include toxins. If this happens the liver becomes overloaded because it did not expect the toxins to return. As a result, liver congestion and thick bile may occur and the bile will be unable to break down the fat-soluble toxins.

If the biliary tubes become congested the liver will release the fat-soluble toxins in the blood which can remain stored in the body for years and eventually harm a part of the body, including the brain.

Ayurveda tends to promote the body’s ability to burn fat more than weight loss. The fat metabolism is very important for removing the fat cells from the body and works as a detoxification fuel.

If the villi in the gut are congested the body is unable to absorb the good fats after breaking them down which is why many people have allergy to soy, dairy products and wheat. These foods require more mucus in order to break down, and also include gluten which irritates the intestinal walls. If the stomach and upper small intestine do not break down the gluten efficiently it could lead to additional release of mucus even if there is plenty of it already, which can affect the health and function of the intestinal wall.
Always remember that loose stool, mucus in the bowel and regular constipation can be a sign that your body’s assimilation and detox pathways are not functioning properly. If you experience this issue you may need to avoid some types of food and eating certain foods that will enable proper elimination.

If you feel stomach pain or nausea after meals it could indicate problems with the bile flow or toxic fat accumulations.
These foods can cleanse the liver and restore its function efficiently:

  • Alternative grains
  • Apples
  • Beets
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Garlic
  • Grapefruit
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Green tea
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Olive oil
  • Turmeric
  • Walnuts

The best method you can use to cleanse the liver and bile:

  • 3 lemons or 1 large grapefruit
  • 4 tablespoon of Epsom salt
  • ½ cup of virgin olive oil
  • Apple juice (optional)


  • Consume as many apples as you can for 4-5 days before you start the cleansing method. You may also drink apple juice or take malic acid supplements.
  • 2 days before starting the cleansing method consume 8 ounces of apple juice every 2-3 hours.
  • The 1st day of the treatment consume a light breakfast without fats.
  • Mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom salt in 3 cups of water at 2 pm. Store the mixture in the fridge and avoid eating anything after that.
  • Then, at 6 pm take ¾ cup of the mixture and add 1/8 tablespoon of vitamin C for better flavor and drink it.
  • Consume ¾ of the mixture once again at 8 pm.
  • At 9:45 pm put the ½ cup of olive oil in a jar and the freshly squeezed lemon or grapefruit juice to the oil. Close the jar, shake well and drink the mixture about 10 pm within 5 minutes.

Next, lie down on your right side and slightly raise your right knee pointing to your chin for about 20-25 minutes. Avoid moving while you do this.

Consume the remaining salt mixture 2 hours later, and avoid eating anything for 2 hours. Consume only fluids and gradually move to fruits.

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