Whenever you are using a program pressing the F1 key will open a help screen of that program.
After selecting any file or folder press the F2 it ll help you rename that file instantly.
If you need to search something in a program you are using just hit the F3 key it will open a search form to search in that active program.
The F4 key help you close any running program or tab instantly.
F5 key allow you to refresh any active webpage, page, window or document you are working on.
When you are using a web browser pressing the F6 key will move the mouse pointer to address bar in any supportable browser.
This key function is used to check spelling or a grammar mistake in a document file. when you are using Ms word press F7 it will help you correct every mistake in spelling or grammar.
If you need to start boot window in a computer when it starts up press the F8 key it will open the boot window for you.
The F9 key mostly work in Ms Office. This key will help you refresh any Ms Word and will help you send or receive emails in Ms Outlook.
This key will help you enable to disable menu bar of any application you are using. Press the F10 button if you want to see the menu of a running program. And also pressing the Shift + F10 key will works same as pressing the right key of a mouse or touch pad.
When you are using a web browser press the F11 key to enable or disable full screen mode of a web browser.
The key F12 works in Microsoft word to open the save as dail box.