Yesterday, Jio surprised everyone with its “Dhan Dhana Dhan” offer. Under this, it launched 2 new plans i.e. Rs 309 and Rs 509. In the Rs 309 offer, Jio is offering unlimited calls, unlimited SMS and 1 GB data per day for 84 days while under the Rs 509 offer, it is offering unlimited calls, unlimited SMS and 2 GB data per day for 84 days.
Jio customers were delighted to have these 2 new plans; they were happy because the company once again thought from their perspective and offered such wonderful plans.
We all know that the “Summer Surprise” offer was surrounded by controversies; instead of pulling off the benefits completely, the company came up with these 2 attractive schemes.
As expected, Airtel couldn’t digest it; once again, the telecom operator is trying to create problems for Jio’s new offers.
Talking about this new scheme, a spokesperson of Airtel says,
We are surprised to see what Jio is doing. It violates the spirit of the TRAI directive and essentially continues with a similar plan now masquerading under a different name. This is a classic example of old wine in a new bottle.”
Yes, Airtel criticized Jio for continuing the same offer under a different name; it further said that such things are weakening the telecom market, thereby restricting customers of long term benefits.
Airtel added,
“With a weakened financial position, companies will find it difficult to raise the capital to invest and roll out broadband networks.”
Airtel said that just like the Summer Surprise offer, TRAI will take action against these new offers too. It’s so wrong on Airtel’s part to keep complaining about every new thing that Jio comes up with, isn’t it?
Jio, a company which is trying to benefit customers in every way has to always face such issues from competitors; what is happening in the market?
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