There is no question & doubts that college life is the most amazing life period. Every group of students have their own meeting corner, in the compus where the usually meet eachother. It is understood to come to the waiting place, when ever you are free. To remind you of the college life, lets look at some of the most beautiful college compuses in India.
1. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
The sprawling green field established in 1899 is at an altitude of 942m, the highest hill in city.
2. Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
A compuses that is arround 700 acre on the northern banks of Brahmaputra and the attracting hills bordering the other facet will always remain in your best memories.
3. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
4. SSN college of Engineering, Chennai
The 250 acre state of art campus you can be lost in the beautiful greenery . Mostly famous for the name oasis in a desert.
5. Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering college, Pauri Garhwal
Located within the Garhwal Himalaya Mountains, 7000 ft. on top of the sea level .